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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Exploring GNU Radio - Applications

In addition to the examples discussed above, GNU Radio comes with a complete HDTV transmitter and receiver, a spectrum analyzer, an oscilloscope, concurrent multichannel receiver and an ever-growing collection of modulators and demodulators.
Projects under investigation or in progress include:
A TiVo equivalent for radio, capable of recording multiple stations simultaneously.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) waveforms.
A passive radar system that takes advantage of broadcast TV for its signal source. For those of you with old TVs hooked to antennas, think about the flutter you see when airplanes fly over.
Radio astronomy.
TETRA transceiver.
Digital Radio Mundial (DRM).
Software GPS.
Distributed sensor networks.
Distributed measurement of spectrum utilization.
Amateur radio transceivers.
Ad hoc mesh networks.
RFID detector/reader.
Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) processing.

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Exploring GNU Radio by Eric Blossom - What Goes in the FPGA?

An FPGA is like a small, massively parallel computer that you design to do exactly what you want. Programming the FPGA takes a bit of skill, and mistakes can fry the board permanently. That said, we provide a standard configuration that is useful for a wide variety of applications.
Using a good USB host controller, the USRP can sustain 32 MB/sec across the USB. The USB is half-duplex. Based on your needs, you partition the 32 MB/sec between the transmit and the receive directions. In the receive direction, the standard configuration allows you to select the part or parts of the digitized spectrum you're interested in, translate them to baseband and decimate as required. This is exactly equivalent to what's happening in the RF front end, only now we're doing it on digitized samples. The block of code that performs this function is called a digital down converter (Figure 3, “Digital Down Converter Block Diagram”). One advantage of performing this function in the digital domain is we can change the center frequency instantaneously, which is handy for frequency hopping spread spectrum systems.

Figure 3. Digital Down Converter Block Diagram

In the transmit direction, the exact inverse is performed. The FPGA contains multiple instances of the digital up and down converters. These instances can be connected to the same or different ADCs, depending on your needs. We don't have room here to cover all the theory behind them; see the GNU Radio Wiki for more information.

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Exploring GNU Radio by Eric Blossom - GUI, Hardware requirements and USR Peripheral

Graphical interfaces for GNU Radio applications are built in Python. Interfaces may be built using any toolkit you can access from Python; we recommend wxPython to maximize cross-platform portability. GNU Radio provides blocks that use interprocess communication to transfer chunks of data from the real-time C++ flow graph to Python-land.

GNU Radio is reasonably hardware-independent. Today's commodity multi-gigahertz, super-scalar CPUs with single-cycle floating-point units mean that serious digital signal processing is possible on the desktop. A 3 GHz Pentium or Athlon can evaluate 3 billion floating-point FIR taps/s. We now can build, virtually all in software, communication systems unthinkable only a few years ago.
Your computational requirements depend on what you're trying to do, but generally speaking, a 1 or 2 GHz machine with at least 256 MB of RAM should suffice. You also need some way to connect the analog world to your computer. Low-cost options include built-in sound cards and audiophile quality 96 kHz, 24-bit, add-in cards. With either of these options, you are limited to processing relatively narrow band signals and need to use some kind of narrow-band RF front end.
Another possible solution is an off-the-shelf, high-speed PCI analog-to-digital board. These are available in the 20M sample/sec range, but they are expensive, about the cost of a complete PC. For these high-speed boards, cable modem tuners make reasonable RF front ends.
Finding none of these alternatives completely satisfactory, we designed the Universal Software Radio Peripheral, or USRP for short.

Our preferred hardware solution is the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). Figure 2, “Universal Software Radio Peripheral” shows the block diagram of the USRP. The brainchild of Matt Ettus, the USRP is an extremely flexible USB device that connects your PC to the RF world. The USRP consists of a small motherboard containing up to four 12-bit 64M sample/sec ADCs, four 14-bit, 128M sample/sec DACs, a million gate-field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a programmable USB 2.0 controller. Each fully populated USRP motherboard supports four daughterboards, two for receive and two for transmit. RF front ends are implemented on the daughterboards. A variety of daughterboards is available to handle different frequency bands. For amateur radio use, low-power daughterboards are available that receive and transmit in the 440 MHz band and the 1.24 GHz band. A receive-only daughterboard based on a cable modem tuner is available that covers the range from 50 MHz to 800 MHz. Daughterboards are designed to be easy to prototype by hand in order to facilitate experimentation.

Figure 2. Universal Software Radio Peripheral

The flexibility of the USRP comes from the two programmable components on the board and their interaction with the host-side library. To get a feel for the USRP, let's look at its boot sequence. The USRP itself contains no ROM-based firmware, merely a few bytes that specify the vendor ID (VID), product ID (PID) and revision. When the USRP is plugged in to the USB for the first time, the host-side library sees an unconfigured USRP. It can tell it's unconfigured by reading the VID, PID and revision. The first thing the library code does is download the 8051 code that defines the behavior of the USB peripheral controller. When this code boots, the USRP simulates a USB disconnect and reconnect. When it reconnects, the host sees a different device: the VID, PID and revision are different. The firmware now running defines the USB endpoints, interfaces and command handlers. One of the commands the USB controller now understands is load the FPGA. The library code, after seeing the USRP reconnect as the new device, goes to the next stage of the boot process and downloads the FPGA configuration bitstream.
FPGAs are generic hardware chips whose behavior is determined by the configuration bitstream that's loaded into them. You can think of the bitstream as object code. The bitstream is the output of compiling a high-level description of the design. In our case, the design is coded in the Verilog hardware description language. This is source code and, like the rest of the code in GNU Radio, is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

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Exploring GNU Radio by Eric Blossom - A Complete FM Receiver

Example 2 shows a somewhat simplified but complete broadcast FM receiver. It includes control of the RF front end and all required signal processing. This example uses an RF front end built from a cable modem tuner and a 20M sample/sec analog-to-digital converter.

Example 2. Broadcast FM Receiver#!/usr/bin/env python
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import audio
from gnuradio import mc4020
import sys
def high_speed_adc (fg, input_rate):
# return gr.file_source (gr.sizeof_short, "dummy.dat", False)
return mc4020.source (input_rate, mc4020.MCC_CH3_EN mc4020.MCC_ALL_1V)
# return a gr.flow_graph
def build_graph (freq1, freq2):
input_rate = 20e6
cfir_decimation = 125
audio_decimation = 5
quad_rate = input_rate / cfir_decimation
audio_rate = quad_rate / audio_decimation
fg = gr.flow_graph ()

# use high speed ADC as input source
src = high_speed_adc (fg, input_rate)

# compute FIR filter taps for channel selection
channel_coeffs = \
gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0, # gain
input_rate, # sampling rate
250e3, # low pass cutoff freq
8*100e3, # width of trans. band
# input: short; output: complex
chan_filter1 = \
gr.freq_xlating_fir_filter_scf (cfir_decimation,
freq1, # 1st station freq

(head1, tail1) = build_pipeline (fg, quad_rate, audio_decimation)

# sound card as final sink
audio_sink = audio.sink (int (audio_rate))
# now wire it all together
fg.connect (src, chan_filter1)
fg.connect (chan_filter1, head1)
fg.connect (tail1, (audio_sink, 0))
return fg
def build_pipeline (fg, quad_rate, audio_decimation):
'''Given a flow_graph, fg, construct a pipeline
for demodulating a broadcast FM signal. The
input is the downconverted complex baseband
signal. The output is the demodulated audio.
build_pipeline returns a two element tuple
containing the input and output endpoints.
fm_demod_gain = 2200.0/32768.0
audio_rate = quad_rate / audio_decimation
volume = 1.0
# input: complex; output: float
fm_demod = gr.quadrature_demod_cf (volume*fm_demod_gain)
# compute FIR filter taps for audio filter
width_of_transition_band = audio_rate / 32
audio_coeffs = gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0, # gain
quad_rate, # sampling rate
audio_rate/2 - width_of_transition_band,
# input: float; output: float
audio_filter = gr.fir_filter_fff (audio_decimation, audio_coeffs)
fg.connect (fm_demod, audio_filter)
return ((fm_demod, 0), (audio_filter, 0))

def main (args):
nargs = len (args)
if nargs == 1:
# get station frequency from command line
freq1 = float (args[0]) * 1e6
sys.stderr.write ('usage: fm_demod freq\n')
sys.exit (1)
# connect to RF front end
rf_front_end = gr.microtune_4937_eval_board ()
if not rf_front_end.board_present_p ():
raise IOError, 'RF front end not found'
# set front end gain
rf_front_end.set_AGC (300)
# determine the front end's "Intermediate Frequency"
IF_freq = rf_front_end.get_output_freq () # 5.75e6
# Tell the front end to tune to freq1.
# I.e., freq1 is translated down to the IF frequency
rf_front_end.set_RF_freq (freq1)
# build the flow graph
fg = build_graph (IF_freq, None)

fg.start () # fork thread(s) and return
raw_input ('Press Enter to quit: ')
fg.stop ()
if __name__ == '__main__':
main (sys.argv[1:])
Like the Hello World example, we build a graph, connect the blocks together and start it. In this case, our source, mc4020.source, is an interface to the Measurement Computing PCI-DAS 4020/12 high-speed ADC. We follow it with gr.freq_xlating_fir_filter_scf, a finite impulse response (FIR) filter that selects the FM station we're looking for and translates it to baseband (0Hz, DC). With the 20M sample/sec converter and cable modem tuner, we're really grabbing something in the neighborhood of a 6 MHz chunk of the spectrum. This single chunk may contain ten or more FM stations, and gr.freq_xlating_fir_filter_scf allows us to select the one we want.
In this case, we select the one at the exact center of the IF of the RF front end (5.75 MHz). The output of gr.freq_xlating_fir_filter_scf is a stream of complex samples at 160,000 samples/second. We feed the complex baseband signal into gr.quadrature_demod_cf, the block that does the actual FM demodulation.
gr.quadrature_demod_cf works by subtracting the angle of each adjacent complex sample, effectively differentiating the frequency. The output of gr.quadrature_demod_cf contains the left-plus-right FM mono audio signal, the stereo pilot tone at 19kHz, the left-minus-right stereo information centered at 38kHz and any other sub-carriers above that. For this simplified receiver, we finish off by low pass filtering and decimating the stream, keeping only the left-plus-right audio information, and send that to the sound card at 32,000 samples/sec.
For a more indepth look at how the FM receiver works, please see "Listening to FM, Step by Step."

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Exploring GNU Radio by Eric Blossom - Block Diagram

Figure 1, “Typical software radio block diagram” shows a typical block diagram for a software radio. To understand the software part of the radio, we first need to understand a bit about the associated hardware. Examining the receive path in the figure, we see an antenna, a mysterious RF front end, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a bunch of code. The analog-to-digital converter is the bridge between the physical world of continuous analog signals and the world of discrete digital samples manipulated by software.

Figure 1. Typical software radio block diagram
ADCs have two primary characteristics, sampling rate and dynamic range. Sampling rate is the number of times per second that the ADC measures the analog signal. Dynamic range refers to the difference between the smallest and largest signal that can be distinguished; it's a function of the number of bits in the ADC's digital output and the design of the converter. For example, an 8-bit converter at most can represent 256 (28) signal levels, while a 16-bit converter represents up to 65,536 levels. Generally speaking, device physics and cost impose trade-offs between the sample rate and dynamic range.
Before we dive into the software, we need to talk about a bit of theory. In 1927, a Swedish-born physicist and electrical engineer named Harry Nyquist determined that to avoid aliasing when converting from analog to digital, the ADC sampling frequency must be at least twice the bandwidth of the signal of interest. Aliasing is what makes the wagon wheels look like they're going backward in the old westerns: the sampling rate of the movie camera is not fast enough to represent the position of the spokes unambiguously.
Assuming we're dealing with low pass signals - signals where the bandwidth of interest goes from 0 to fMAX, the Nyquist criterion states that our sampling frequency needs to be at least 2 * fMAX. But if our ADC runs at 20 MHz, how can we listen to broadcast FM radio at 92.1 MHz? The answer is the RF front end. The receive RF front end translates a range of frequencies appearing at its input to a lower range at its output. For example, we could imagine an RF front end that translated the signals occurring in the 90 - 100 MHz range down to the 0 - 10 MHz range.
Mostly, we can treat the RF front end as a black box with a single control, the center of the input range that's to be translated. As a concrete example, a cable modem tuner module that we've employed successfully has the following characteristics. It translates a 6 MHz chunk of the spectrum centered between about 50 MHz and 800 MHz down to an output range centered at 5.75 MHz. The center frequency of the output range is called the intermediate frequency, or IF.
In the simplest-thing-that-possibly-could-work category, the RF front end may be eliminated altogether. One GNU Radio experimenter has listened to AM and shortwave broadcasts by connecting a 100-foot piece of wire directly to his 20M sample/sec ADC.
On to the Software
GNU Radio provides a library of signal processing blocks and the glue to tie it all together. The programmer builds a radio by creating a graph (as in graph theory) where the vertices are signal processing blocks and the edges represent the data flow between them. The signal processing blocks are implemented in C++. Conceptually, blocks process infinite streams of data flowing from their input ports to their output ports. Blocks' attributes include the number of input and output ports they have as well as the type of data that flows through each. The most frequently used types are short, float and complex.
Some blocks have only output ports or input ports. These serve as data sources and sinks in the graph. There are sources that read from a file or ADC, and sinks that write to a file, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) or graphical display. About 100 blocks come with GNU Radio. Writing new blocks is not difficult.
Graphs are constructed and run in Python. Example 1 is the "Hello World" of GNU Radio. It generates two sine waves and outputs them to the sound card, one on the left channel, one on the right.

Example 1. Dial Tone Output#!/usr/bin/env python
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import audio
def build_graph ():
sampling_freq = 48000
ampl = 0.1
fg = gr.flow_graph ()
src0 = gr.sig_source_f (sampling_freq, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 350, ampl)
src1 = gr.sig_source_f (sampling_freq, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 440, ampl)
dst = audio.sink (sampling_freq)
fg.connect ((src0, 0), (dst, 0))
fg.connect ((src1, 0), (dst, 1))
return fg
if __name__ == '__main__':
fg = build_graph ()
fg.start ()
raw_input ('Press Enter to quit: ')
fg.stop ()
We start by creating a flow graph to hold the blocks and connections between them. The two sine waves are generated by the gr.sig_source_f calls. The f suffix indicates that the source produces floats. One sine wave is at 350 Hz, and the other is at 440 Hz. Together, they sound like the US dial tone.
audio.sink is a sink that writes its input to the sound card. It takes one or more streams of floats in the range -1 to +1 as its input. We connect the three blocks together using the connect method of the flow graph.
connect takes two parameters, the source endpoint and the destination endpoint, and creates a connection from the source to the destination. An endpoint has two components: a signal processing block and a port number. The port number specifies which input or output port of the specified block is to be connected. In the most general form, an endpoint is represented as a python tuple like this: (block, port_number). When port_number is zero, the block may be used alone.
These two expressions are equivalent:fg.connect ((src1, 0), (dst, 1))
fg.connect (src1, (dst, 1))
Once the graph is built, we start it. Calling start forks one or more threads to run the computation described by the graph and returns control immediately to the caller. In this case, we simply wait for any keystroke.

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Exploring GNU Radio by Eric Blossom


Software radio is the technique of getting code as close to the antenna as possible. It turns radio hardware problems into software problems. The fundamental characteristic of software radio is that software defines the transmitted waveforms, and software demodulates the received waveforms. This is in contrast to most radios in which the processing is done with either analog circuitry or analog circuitry combined with digital chips. GNU Radio is a free software toolkit for building software radios.
Software radio is a revolution in radio design due to its ability to create radios that change on the fly, creating new choices for users. At the baseline, software radios can do pretty much anything a traditional radio can do. The exciting part is the flexibility that software provides you. Instead of a bunch of fixed function gadgets, in the next few years we'll see a move to universal communication devices. Imagine a device that can morph into a cell phone and get you connectivity using GPRS, 802.11 Wi-Fi, 802.16 WiMax, a satellite hookup or the emerging standard of the day. You could determine your location using GPS, GLONASS or both.
Perhaps most exciting of all is the potential to build decentralized communication systems. If you look at today's systems, the vast majority are infrastructure-based. Broadcast radio and TV provide a one-way channel, are tightly regulated and the content is controlled by a handful of organizations. Cell phones are a great convenience, but the features your phone supports are determined by the operator's interests, not yours.
A centralized system limits the rate of innovation. We could take some lessons from the Internet and push the smarts out to the edges. Instead of cell phones being second-class citizens, usable only if infrastructure is in place and limited to the capabilities determined worthwhile by the operator, we could build smarter devices. These user-owned devices would generate the network. They'd create a mesh among themselves, negotiate for backhaul and be free to evolve new solutions, features and applications.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What is a portable app?

  • portable - carried or moved with ease
  • app - a computer program like a web browser or word processor

A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB flash drive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug the device, none of your personal data is left behind.

No Special Hardware - Use any USB flash drive, portable hard drive, iPod/MP3 player, etc
No Additional Software - Just download the portable app, run the portable installer and go
No Kidding - It's that easy

Consider the Possibilities...
Carry your web browser with all your favorite bookmarks
Carry your calendar with all your appointments
Carry your email client with all your contacts and settings
Carry your instant messenger and your buddy list
Carry your whole office suite along with your documents and presentations
Carry your antivirus program and other computer utilities
Carry all your important passwords and account information securely
Consider the Convenience...
Have your favorite websites handy to recommend to a friend or colleague
Have your presentation AND the required software ready to go for that big meeting
Have your password with you if you want to bank online while traveling
Have utilities handy when visiting family or friends that are having PC problems

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

is Wimax safe?

Research based Information

WiMAX enabled devices emit radio frequency electromagnetic waves when in use. These waves have been part of our everyday life for decades now, in the use of devices such as radio, television and mobile phones. In fact a good part of the technology being employed in the IEEE 802.16 standard is already being deployed. The body of evidence so far supports the safety of these technologies.
Many independent scientific organizations, safety standard testing and certification panels and health organizations all over the world have conducted research into the safety of radio waves in the past 50 years. The general findings point out that there are no proven adverse health effects from exposure to radio waves at the current ranges prescribed for wireless communication systems.

Are there Safety Limits?

Exposure to radio waves is safe within a certain prescribed range. WiMAX enabled devices and WiMAX towers have to comply with the same safety standards as other radio products like mobile phones. These standards have been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and adopted by governments and health agencies around the world. These standards prescribe exposure limits and margins for protecting consumers and the general public.
Do WiMAX Devices Comply with these Norms?
Yes. All WiMAX enabled devices have to be evaluated to check that they conform to globally accepted radio frequency emission safety standards. These evaluations are done against a set of parameters recommended by regulatory bodies around the world.
On an average it takes 40 watts to deliver broadband and wireless signals from tower relay site, although the actual power depends on the frequency. Apart from standard precautions that need to be taken when onsite at communication towers, the configurations are well defined and safe. Customer receptor equipments are tested for safety too.

Is WiMAX Safe forChildren?

Devices used in WiMAX comply with standards endorsed by WHO and other health agencies, making WiMAX safe for everyone including children.
For further information, you may visit the following websites.
or you can download brief information from mobile forums brochure :

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How a WiMax iPod Touch could be a non-AT&T iPhone alternative

March 17, 2008 12:18 PM PDT

Originally posted by John P. Falcone

A confluence of what-ifs: Envisioning a WiMax version of the iPod Touch with Skype.(Credit: CNET)
If you want an iPhone in the U.S., you've got two choices: use AT&T's wireless service, or risk unlocking your phone to use T-Mobile (the only other American provider that's compatible with the iPhone's SIM-based GSM design). And with AT&T's exclusivity contract in effect until 2012, we'll be well into the next presidential election cycle before that changes. But maybe there's a loophole in the form of the iPod Touch--and its eventual successor.
While it looks almost identical, the iPod Touch is missing a few key iPhone features. But let's envision a second-gen Touch that changes that--call it the iPod Max. The Max would use nearly the exact same housing as the iPhone, including the built-in speaker, microphone, Bluetooth, and camera missing from the Touch. (And since we're fantasizing here, I'll go ahead and make sure the Max uses a flush headphone jack, not that annoying recessed version found on the iPhone.) But here's the key: in addition to Wi-Fi, the iPod Max would have a WiMax module in place of the cellular radio found on the iPhone. And that's where things could get interesting.
WiMax is the fledgling 4G high-speed wireless service that's due to be rolled out by Sprint later this year. The details are still thin, but the WiMax service--sold under the "Xohm" brand--is said to be available on a much more flexible basis than cellular service. So instead of a dreaded two-year contract, you'll pay for service on a more a la carte basis--by the hour, by the day, or by the month, presumably on a flat fee all-you-can-eat data plan.
So Apple sells its iPod Max ($499 for 64GB, $399 for 32GB) as a standalone touch-screen iPod that can also double as a wireless data device. But unlike the current Wi-Fi-only iPod Touch, the user can also use the Max to connect to the Sprint/Xohm WiMax network, when and where it's available. That would provide access to any and all Internet-connected apps, even when outside the range of a Wi-Fi hotspot.
But why stop at e-mail, instant messaging, Web browsing, and Google Maps? Throw a Skype application on the iPod Max, and the possibilities really expand. If the free Skype-to-Skype calling isn't enough for you, just pay up for Skype's various upgrades--the ability to call landlines and cell phones anywhere in the world, a standard phone number so you can receive calls, voice mail, and even SMS text messaging. Granted, you'd be paying two bills--the WiMax service fee plus the Skype charges--but I'd be willing to bet that even that combined rate would be less than what some people are currently paying for a cell phone bill that includes a good data plan. Meanwhile, Apple gets to sell another "iPhone" that works outside of AT&T's network--but because Skype telephony is technically a "data" service, Apple's not violating the letter of its exclusivity contract with the wireless carrier.
Now, let's refresh a key point in case you're just skimming this: I'm making all of this up. There is no such thing as an iPod Max, there's no announced plans for an WiMax-enabled iPod, and there's not even a Skype application available on the iPhone/iPod Touch platform, and even if one were to appear, the apparent inability of third-party applications to run in the background (multitask) seems to be a huge stumbling block. And even if all of that were to be resolved, there are still a lot of variables, not the least of which is Sprint's WiMax network: it hasn't yet been launched, and until it is, its pricing, coverage, and reliability remains completely theoretical. (Though it looks as if we'll be getting details sooner rather than later.)
By the same token, however, none of this is completely outside the realm of possibility, either.
So what do you think? Would you like to see a Skype-friendly version of the iPod Touch? Or are you and your iPhone happily married to AT&T until 2012?

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Another interesting site

Hey ya! Another interesting site for planning digital broadcasting with simple software. ATDI software from can be used across current Analogue and Digital Broadcast Technologies in both TV and radio to optimise and roll out networks. Tools are included within ATDI planning tools for future technologies such as T-DAB and DTTV. The methods and sub-tools within tools such as ICS Telecom have come from our work with various broadcast customers including several national broadcast organisations as well as systems integrators supplying turnkey broadcast solutions. These customers have either used our tools or have contracted ATDI to carry out work on their behalf to furthers their development of their broadcast networks.

ATDI's software tools work using cartographic information in 2D and 3D. ATDI always offers its customer a complete solution including the software and the relevant cartography:
the topography of the terrain (Digital Elevation Model, also known as Digital Terrain Model), used to perform calculations
an image (Digitised Maps, Satellite Views or Aerial Pictures), used to display the coverage results in an understandable way.

On their sites, we can also download many resources such as whitepapers and journal paper for OFDM concepts and implementation. It's really a cool learning resource.

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I guess i found something interesting that is an ALBRECHT DR-315 from . A small radio with powerfull capabilities. It support 802.11 b/g, 54 Mbps, DAB/FM Tuner also can connect to any internet radio station.

I just wonder when this technology will come to my country, Indonesia. Our research here about DAB/DVB or a digital communication even on product is still less than enough. We plotted by some big country just to be a consumer country, not a producent. But I still interest on how this small machine can work based on OFDM modulation technique. May be later after Wimax really deploy here that dream will be come true.
Also, if cognitive radio technology has grown to mature level I also can enjoy this product. I only hope that it won't be take a long enough time. Only government regulation can force that, i guess. So is their polotical will.
This product has been sell about 272 CHF(it's Switzerland Currency) or about 181 Euro or 2,654,752.8 Indonesian Rupiahs not included shipping cost. The price is not to high for such technology we will got. Hmmmm......
but maybe i still cannot use this thing because of there's no network here and the station's coverage. Using a common acces point only cover about 100 m, but if we use wimax maybe we can got a full coverage. So I really hope the government can deploy Wimax soon. So I can take benefit from this product.
It's really nice to dedicate our life to something worthed.
Good night everybody, i think it's time for me to get sleep....see u later

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TCP/IP Quick Guide 3G Wireless Quick Guide (electronic and printed bundle)