The regulator and MNC (PT Media Nusantara Citra) launched DMB trials in Jakarta in 2006. In the third quarter of 2007 the PST Indonesian electronics company, PT Agis, IPTV systems integrator, Broadband Network Systems, and Toshiba have joined together to build a nationwide DMB service in Indonesia. The intention is to launch the service in 2008 and this group are currently talking to mobile operators and content provides to fully explore the opportunities available. The group will build the network and then join with video providers for content and mobile operators for distribution. The benefit of using DMB in Indonesia is that a single frequency could be used to cover the whole of the country.
Indonesia has shown great interest in using DMB for Mobile TV and has been progressed faster than any other country in the South East Asian region. Telco operators are expecting that Mobile TV will allow them to differentiate their overall mobile service positioning and help generate new revenue streams. Similarly, content providers and TV broadcasters are planning to use Mobile TV to open up new channel distribution platforms, with targeted content and new advertising schemes. Both PT Media Nusantara Citra (MNC) and DMB-N were granted frequencies and licenses for Mobile TV in Jakarta.
MNC is the largest and only integrated media company in Indonesia. They have been running DMB trials in Jakarta since 2006, with 1 DAB audio and 1 DMB video service using Band-III frequencies. MNC, at the same time, is also the operator of DVB-H. Mobile TV using DVB-H will be marketed as an expensive service, as a result of the increased investment in the network. DVB-H offerings will include around 15 Pay TV channels. However, DMB Mobile TV will be marketed as an affordable product which will be targeted at the mass market. Services will be on a subscription basis but will cost much less than the DVB-H services.
DMBN is a joint company of the local broadcasters and ETRI, a Korean research institute, to implement mobile TV services in Indonesia. DMBN is now running trials in Jakarta and plan for further testing in Bandung, Medan and Surabaya for mobile TV, and DAB services in the near future. It is planned to lunch in may 2008 with one multiplexer.
Both operators plan to launch Mobile TV services in Jakarta in the first quarter of 2008. It is expected that there will be a wide selection of mobile phones and other devices from South Korea.
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